Our Chef Ethan Robinson embarked on the extraordinary experience of black truffles at The Truffle Farm Canberra, nestled in the serene Majura Valley. We took part in the pursuit of a truffle hunt, learning all about the rare and delicious back truffle by accompanying the highly skilled truffle dogs in action. We have prepared a selection of truffle-laden dishes especially for Good & Ugly producer dinner, using freshly harvested truffles from The Truffle Farm.
The Truffle Farm Canberra
Andrews Meat
Andrews Meat Industries is one of Australia's longest serving and most respected suppliers of protein-based solutions. Led by the Andrews family since 1960, they deliver high quality products with exceptional service to The Erko.
Unico Zelo
Unico Zelo are passionate winemakers who care about the soil and produce we have in Australia. From their sister distillery, Applewood in Adelaide Hills they produce and showcase products to the rest of the world that embrace Australian native ingredients and pay homage to the indigenous custodianship who maintained the land for thousands of years.